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Tavtati Kütüpati, Begüm Çelik, 2020, Interactive Performance - Kinect, projection, speakers

The play Tavtati Kütüpati by Atila Alpöge is about the relations of five people who introduce themselves to each other as “Tavtati Kütüpati" in a space with no doors, no chimneys, surrounded by the panels they bring to the stage. These five people, who cannot be regarded as dramatic subjects except for a few distinct characteristics, fight with each other, cheat on each other, sing and cry during the play. However, their actions on the stage cannot be regarded as a continuous story with a beginning or an ending. Tavtati Kütüpati is not a play that has a thesis with a definite framework, or a dramatic flow of action that develops between acts and deep characters. Neither is a story that grows on the axis of rationality and sequential cause-and-effect relationships at each stage. As Martin Esslin states in “The theatre of the absurd”, the audience is "exposed to actions devoid of visible motive, with characters in a constant state of flow, events that are clearly outside the realm of rational experience”.

These 5 characters/personas, whose names are Tavtati Kütüpati, are performed without any spoken dialogues, but only with their own unique posture and choreography based on the beginning of the original play’s first act. The audio of the performance is created by manipulating the original pre-recorded dialogues. Interactive visuals are generated on openFrameworks using the Kinect device.
Performance Director: Begüm Çelik
Audio-Visual: Begüm Çelik
Performers: Begüm Çelik, Sinem Başar, Tuğrul Ağrikli, Emre Kaygısız

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